The household waste is disposed of either via a door-to-door collection system, which is not so common, or in municipal facilities. Excluding posh residential and commercial colonies, most of the

On the 10th anniversary of the Basel Convention, member states reiterate the need to minimise the generation of hazardous waste

After the garbage is collected, it needs to be transported to a safe disposal site. Here, too, there is no dearth of problems

"We simply dispose waste in abandoned quarries and other areas,' said Dhaigude, when asked about the waste disposal system in Mumbai. In the parlance of the municipal officials, disposal of waste

Despite the importance of their work, ragpickers are a harassed lot

Sheila Dikshit ignores MCD, launches waste management campaign

A cash rich municipality and a set of dedicated officials have made Surat s waste management system a successful but expensive exercise

What the municipalities must learn about waste management from an NGO

deputy chairperson of the planning commission K C Pant inaugurated

The solution lies in making waste management a community exercise
