
Mills of Gorakhpur grind slowly, but they grind too fine

Gujarat HC asks authorities to get serious on Kharicut pollution

The government says that poor people living along the Yamuna are the problem. But the fact is that s/he who uses the most water also generates the most waste. The situation in India's capital city is shameful in this regard. The bulk of the water goes to the rich and powerful, with the majority population getting less than survival quotas of water. Therefore, it is the water users who generate waste. If water use is the criterion for a pollution inventory, then it is clear that the rich, not the poor and unconnected or unserviced, are the cause of the river's condition.

A behind the scene look at how slaughterhouses in India dispose hazardous bio waste by endangering the environment

Pollution from small-scale industries has grown by leaps and bounds. So, building common effluent treatment plants (cetps) has become a fashion. The Union

#1 Who is the polluter? What is their waste-typology? This is the first critical and often make-or-break step. Get the property rights regime wrong and it is clear that nothing will work, is the

If cetps are the answer, how do we make them work? The choice of technology, however important, is not the only challenge ahead. The key is to build a much stronger framework for common waste

Biodegradable plastic car parts can be made from miscanthus grass

An ecofriendly way of treating polluted wastewater holds promise for rural India
