The Delhi Pollution Control Committee has issued notices to Guru Tegh Bahadur Hospital, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Hospital and Lok Nayak Jaya Prakash Hospital after it found several deficiencies in their waste management system.

In accordance with the fast growing population, the demand for energy and the discharge of waste are increasing day by day. The only remedy to the energy crisis is the use of alternative energy sources. And one of the best alternative ways is the generation of energy from waste, which is beneficial in several ways.

Pune Unable to resolve the issue of an alternate site for dumping garbage, the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) -- exploring other means for disposal of garbage -- will install 12 biogas plants in the city by December-end. These plants are expected to process 63 metric tonnes of garbage by the end of 2010.

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Keeping its word on reducing the waste heaps at Vilappilsala treatment plant, the Corporation has decided to set up biogas plants in major markets in the city. The step is as part of the decentralisation of waste treatment, which is one of the main focus areas of the final-year programmes envisaged by the present Council.

Transition from fossil fuel dominated energy to clean, carbon compliant sources demand its generation from alternative sources that could provide flexible and scalable solutions. This is the big challenge in view that the gas and coal fired installations continue to increase unabated notwithstanding the harsh realities of global warming and climate change consequences.

Batch digestion of vegetable waste slurry was carried out in the laboratory using 2.5L capacity bottle reactors for 60 days at ambient conditions. The biogas yield from vegetable waste over the length of the digestion time was observed to be 0.391L/g of VS fed.

The slow pace of work and change of government has put the fate of Rs225 million proposed Combined Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) in the balance, exposing the eco-system of the area to further degradation at the hands of industrialists of the Hattar Industrial Estate (HIE), sources told Dawn here on Sunday. Since the Hattar-based industrial units were predominantly export-oriented ones, the non-compliance of national and international legislation regarding environmental requirements, it might expose the country to threat of non-tariff barriers under the WTO regime internationally.

Waste not, want not, is a maxim many of us were brought up on.

The Government has sanctioned a grant of Rs 35 lakh to Bicholim Muncipal Council (BMC), to purchase space for the disposal of garbage at Lakherim in Bordem-Bicholim.

Urban Development Minister Joaquim Alemao today said that the Corporation of City of Panaji (CCP) is currently facing crisis in collecting and disposing municipal solid waste due to non-availability o
