Wastewater reclamation and direct potable reuse have enabled the City of Windhoek, the capital of Namibia to manage its water more efficiently. This case study shows that with an integrated approach including proper policy, legislation, education, technical and financial measures even severe water shortages can be managed.

Depleting groundwater levels and excessive increase in the volume of wastewater is seen as a result of recent industrial developments in urban India. Industrial wastewater recharge and water conservation have now become the need of the hour to overcome water shortages and improve groundwater levels in the country.

The sun-drenched beaches of southeast Florida lure tourists from all over the world. But few of them may realize that a torrent of human waste is dumped silently every day into the seemingly pristine waters offshore. Every day, three densely populated counties pump into the Atlantic Ocean a total of at least 300 million gallons of partially treated urban wastewater, too polluted even for watering lawns. The dumping takes place in a state heavily dependent on tourism and the patronage of international celebrities and the wealthy who maintain homes there.

A VICTORIAN Government proposal to divert billions of litres of recycled sewage into the Yarra River could hurt the waterway because the water could be "too clean", environmental groups have warned. The Government is searching for the best way to use the 100 billion litres that will be recycled annually at the Eastern Treatment Plant plant at Bangholme once an upgrade is completed in 2012. The Yarra proposal is one of two that have been under consideration since late last year. The second is piping the recycled water to the Latrobe Valley for use at power stations.

In this modern world of advanced techniques, sewage treatment works are considered to be one of the most popular procedures carried out to use the treated wastewater for agricultural purposes or to dispose off on to the land. The primary objective of this study is to design a Sewage Treatment System for Sri Satya Sai Urban Development Authority (SUDA) in Andhra Pradesh and studying the possibilities for usage of treated wastewater for irrigation. The study area, Puttaparthy being a pilgrim center attracts people all over the world and during some special occasions the place gets over crowded.

In the present study, an attempt has been made to evaluate the treatability of a combined tannery and domestic wastewater using lab-scale activated sludge reactor under extended aeration.

Urbanization is occurring at an unprecedented rate, particularly in developing countries, with high migration of population from rural to urban areas. As a consequence of urbanization and associated environmental impacts, the issue of providing water to growing urban population is becoming critical. Water management in the context of urban area has two components i.e.

Effects of industrial effluents on germination, growth, protein content and metal accumulation patterns in Hibiscus esculentus L. were studied. Effluent from two factories in the industrial belt of Cochin, Kerala were used to soak the seeds for germination and to irrigate the seedlings in the field after physico-chemical analysis.

Ultraviolet light kills bacteria in wastewater without the use of chemicals. This reliable and environment friendly method was used in the project Clean Isar in Germany.

Toilets in aircraft do not flush with water; suction removes the waste into a collection bin below. When one flushes the toilet, it opens a valve in the sewer line, and the vacuum in the line sucks the contents out of the bowl and into a tank. Since vacuum does all the work, it uses very little water or the blue sanitizing liquid to clean the bowl.
