Teak leaves (Tectona grandis) abundantly available in India showed high sorption capacity for lead ions and were found efficient for the removal of lead ions from aqueous solutions. The extent of removal was found to be dependent on pH, temperature, concentration of metal ions and the dose of adsorbent.

reuse of wastewater for irrigation is touted as an environmentally sound practice. But little is known about its long-term effects. A recent study from Jordan says that the frequent use of treated

Constructed wetlands (CW) are being increasingly used worldwide to treat domestic wastewater by applying various technological designs. The systems are preferentially used due to simple technology in principle, reliable operating conditions and the potential to remove total nitrogen by simultaneous nitrification and denitrification. Oct-Dec 2007

Sequential batch reactor (SBR) process is basically a fill-and-draw activated sludge process. Being a very popular technology, SBR was not being frequently used for the treatment of wastewater like activated sludge process (ASP). This paper reviews two case studies, where SBR was used for capacity expansion of existing and ASP was converted to SBR.

Dairy industry generate large amount of white highly turbid liquid waste products which cannot be processed further in the industry and has to be discarded. They contain very high organic matter that may be in dissolved or colloidal form and is thus very high in BOD and total solids.

East Calcutta Wetland (ECW) is an example of wise use of cities solid and liquid waste through integrated resource recovery, mainly for pisciculture, vegetable as well as paddy cultivation and manure production. Amaranthus caudatus, Amaranthus blithum and Spinacia oleracea grown at ECW were analyzed for their accumulation of elements using Energy Dispersive X Ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) and compared to those grown in south eastern parts of West Bengal (Midnapur).

The textile sector has a high water demand. Its biggest impact on the environment is related to primary water consumption (80

The present study deals with physico-chemical analysis, treatment and utilization of Deoband sugar mill effluent. The effluent is treated with alkaline solution of hexacyanoferrate (III). 2007

A pot experiment was conducted during rabi season of 2003-2004, to study the effect of two concentrations of city waste water over ground water on the performance of Brassica juncea cv. Varuna. 2007

Industrialists and regulators are unclear on best practices in India's wastewater management in the textile sector, which generates 1,750 million litres a day (mld). Says Mangilal Gandhi, owner of
