The death toll from a major cholera outbreak in Yemen has risen to 1,500, Nevio Zagaria, the World Health Organization's (WHO) representative in Yemen, said on Saturday, and appealed for more help
Doctors, aid workers and officials in South Sudan are warning of a “devastating” outbreak of cholera that could kill thousands of people in a country where millions are already threatened by famine
By the end of May, over 65,000 suspected cases of cholera and at least 532 deaths have been reported. The situation is overwhelming for what remains of Yemen's conflict-battered health system.
Khartoum - Suspected acute diarrhoea has killed 38 Sudanese in the past month and 317 since August 2016, the UN said on Wednesday, warning the outbreak could worsen ahead of the rainy season.
A cholera outbreak in South Sudan’s Namurunynag State in Eastern Equatoria has killed more than 60 people in one month, local Governor Louse Lobong Lojore said.
A major cholera outbreak in Yemen may have reached the halfway mark at 218,798 cases as a massive emergency response has begun to curb its spread two months into the epidemic, the World Health Orga
Nairobi county health officers yesterday failed to release results of an investigation into an incident in which 50 people last week contracted cholera at Weston Hotel.
Thewater problem in Nigeria has reached crisis point. No day passes without stories or news about cases of water borne diseases caused by chronic shortage of safe water making the rounds.