A cholera outbreak in Yemen has killed 51 people since April 27, the World Health Organization said on Thursday, more than double the toll of 25 reported three days ago.

The IOM team has been supporting local health partners to rapidly scale up the emergency and contain the outbreak in a hard-to-reach and often insecure area of the country.

The biggest challenge for India is the dual fight of containing a 'developing' country's health concerns while a flare-up of 'developed' world disorders are its doorstep. On one hald India is combating basic health concerns such as malnutrition, low immunization rates, hygiene, sanitation and infectious diseases.

A health disaster is looming at the informal Chikuti settlement where thousands of people are living without proper sanitation facilities.

Um Jar — Hundreds of people in the area of Um Jar in White Nile State are reportedly suffering from 'watery diarrhoea'.

Rotavirus vaccines are now globally recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), but in early 2009 WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization reviewed available data and concluded that there was no evidence for the efficacy or effectiveness of a two-dose schedule of the human rotavirus vaccine (HRV; Rotarix) given early at 6 and 10 wk of age. Additionally, the effectiveness of programmatic rotavirus vaccination, including possible indirect effects, has not been assessed in low-resource populations in Asia.

El Gedaref — Another cholera patient died in El Gedaref on Saturday. 42 new cases were recorded in various parts of the eastern Sudanese state.

Ahmedabad: Cases of waterborne diseases appear to be on the rise in Ahmedabad.

The researchers studied over 200 cases in different parts of India of which 20 cases where studied in Hyderabad.

Consumed ‘contaminated’ drink during festival; 76 more undergoing treatment
