Roughly a year ago, scientists poring over temperature readings of the Pacific from satellites and a depleted array of ocean buoys were so sure an El Nino was on the way, the debate was mostly how

MIAMI – The world’s largest hurricane simulator is now complete, and experts hope it will improve forecasters’ ability to predict how strong a storm will get, which has been a key weak spot for sci

When does an El Nino (warming of the east and equatorial Pacific) create widespread rain deficit over India during the monsoon?

China will ban unofficial weather forecasts starting Friday, as citizens criticised the government for further encroaching on a seemingly harmless hobby.

India gets 70% of its annual rainfall in the monsoon, which irrigates half the country

India gets 70% of its annual rainfall in the monsoon, which irrigates half the country's farmlands. In 2014, IMD had forecast that rainfall in June-September
monsoon season would be 95% of the 50-year average, which is below normal rainfall. In its August review of the forecast, IMD cut the prediction to 87%, after rainfall in June came in at the lowest in five years.

IMD's forecast is a good nine percentage points less than that of Skymet

The IMD's monsoon forecast though very preliminary evokes mixed emotions. At 93% of normal, it's less than the 96% level considered nor mal but higher than last year's 88% fig ure.

Double whammy for Indian farmers, below normal rain predicted. The southwest monsoon’s overall rainfall prediction for 2015 is 93 per cent, three percentage points below normal.

VIENNA: Climate change is predicted to intrude into almost every area of life -- from where we live, to what we eat and whom we war with.
