Improving environmental adaptation in crops is essential for food security under global change, but phenotyping adaptive traits remains a major bottleneck. If associations between single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) alleles and environment of origin in crop landraces reflect adaptation, then these could be used to predict phenotypic variation for adaptive traits. We tested this proposition in the global food crop Sorghum bicolor, characterizing 1943 georeferenced landraces at 404,627 SNPs and quantifying allelic associations with bioclimatic and soil gradients.

It's a great time to be a weather watcher if extremes or unusual events get your pulse running.

Spell of sweltering weather expected to last several days as temperatures hit 40C and UN urges countries to develop better warning systems

Flash flooding triggered by torrential rains has killed 71 people in Gujarat, as annual monsoon season hits the country. Track the latest updates as floods threaten and disrupt normal life in - Jammu and Kashmir, Assam, Mumbai in Maharashtra, Assam, Meghalaya and even as Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh are on high alert.

This new WMO publication provides a consolidated road map for future weather research to foster the science needed to make society less vulnerable to high-impact weather.

The worst drought in five years is creeping across the Caribbean.

Women tribal farmers are helming many community managed automatic weather stations at various agro-ecological zones here that could be game changers for the region in providing timely and accurate

The agriculture ministry has tied up with leading cellular operators to send decision-critical information to farmers through SMS

Bad news is good news; media revel in news of crisis and catastrophe. No news is bad news; some space has to be filled with news if anyone is going to look at accompanying views and ads. But if there is no news, pseudo-news can be invented, also known as speculation. Speculation is possible all round the year on weather, for luckily, India is situated far enough from the equator to have pronounced seasons.

However, autumn yields may not fare so well due to the uncertain conditions brought about by El Nino, the warming of the sea’s surface in the Pacific Ocean.
