Rise in pollution levels, dying natural habitats and threat of poaching have led to a decrease in the number of migratory birds at the Harike wetland. Spread over 100 square kilometres, the wetland attracts lakhs of birds from Central Asia and trans-Russian region every year.

It is a bird sanctuary and the State

May 27: Environmentalists are up in arms over the encroachment of wetlands. They maintain that wetlands serve to neutralise the toxins discharged through industrial effluents and domestic sewage, before letting the water
percolate down into the earth to replenish aquifers.

A total of 13 fish sanctuaries have been established at the Hakaluki Haor to protect threatened fish and fish resources in the country.

Due to the uncontrolled human activities along the sandy beaches of St Martin's Island, the yearly arrival of turtles on the island for laying eggs has reduced significantly.

L-R: Typical forest full of natural resources (Tangabati, Chittagong). Tribal people collect natural water without any contamination just at the base of hills; w(Mirersharai, Chittagong).

In 1930, the ruler of the then princely state of Tripura commissioned the British company Martin and Burns to construct a summer resort for him. The Maharaja got his palace nine years later: in the

Persistent organic pollutants found Rising sea level and erosion aside, the Sundarbans now face a new threat. An international research team has detected polybrominated diphenyl ethers (pbde), a

It was a bright sunny morning when I reached the Bakhira lake. Bakhira is reputed to be the biggest natural wetland in Uttar Pradesh and is known for its purple swamphens. The birds are known to be
