Judgement of the National Green Tribunal (Principal Bench, New Delhi) in the matter of Irfan Ahmad & Others Vs Urban Development & Urban Local Bodies, J & K State & Others dated 13/01/2015 regarding closure of the landfill site located near Achan wetland, Srinagar.


The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has written to the Uttar Pradesh government to take necessary action for conservation and management of Yamuna wetland in Greater Noida.

A population-estimation exercise for migratory and residents birds in wetlands in and around the city will commence on January 11.

The Bhoj wetland, a Ramsar site has been found to be under huge pressure due to burgeoning human population in its catchment area. The present investigation spread across nine stations has revealed higher algal diversity (294 species) during the period of 2008-2009. The phytoplankton diversity belonging to six groups revealed 46% contribution of Chlorophyceae followed by Bacillariophyceae (28%), Cyanophyceae (15%), Euglenophyceae (9%), while Pyrophyceae and Chrysophyceae contributed 1% each, respectively. Closterium sp., Cosmarium sp., Pediastrum sp., Scenedesmus sp., Staurastrum sp.

Bird watchers and environmentalists are concerned at the dumping of debris in the last surviving wetlands of Uran, once a haven for migratory birds.

NOIDA: The National Green Tribunal (NGT) on Monday ordered the formation of a high-level government panel to probe how the width of the Dadri wetland shrank from its original size and come up with

In order to understand and monitor the status and distribution of the Black-necked Crane (Grus nigricollis) in India, we carried out systematic long term yearly surveys between 2000 and 2014 at all previously known locations as well as attempted to explore new areas. In this paper, we have summarized the distribution and status of the species in its historic range based on the literature and data collected during surveys in Jammu & Kashmir and at few locations in Northeast India.

Majuli, one of the largest inhabited river islands in the world, is under serious threat due to large-scale bank erosion by the Brahmaputra River. There is urgent need to preserve this socio-culturally rich island of over 0.2 million people. Erosions have been shrinking its landmass significantly and thereby causing enormous pressure on its ecosystem. Through this study, an attempt has been made to assess the effect of flood and erosion on the island, its nature, habitats and eco-system. Survey maps and satellite data are considered as major inputs to this study.

Central Water Commission (CWC), Government of India has undertaken the task of conducting, “Cumulative Impact and Carrying Capacity Study of Subansiri basin including Downstream Impact in Brahmaputra River Valley” with an objective to assess the cumulative impacts of hydropower development in the basin.
