Question raised in Rajya Sabha on new power projects in the country, 02/03/2015. Cabinet Committee on Investment (CCI) in its meeting held on 22.04.2013 cleared 13 power projects involving an investment of about Rs.33,000 crores. Details of these projects, along with the location and quantum of power likely to be generated, are at Annex.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on safe drinking water and sanitation in rural areas, 02/03/2015. Also includes the funds released by Government of India to the State Governments under NRDWP during current year 2014-15.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on arsenic contamination of ground water, 02/03/2015. Also includes State-wise number of Arsenic affected habitations reported by States as on 1/4/2014 which are yet to be provided with safe drinking water.

Today pollution kills nearly 9 million people while more than 200 million people worldwide suffer from ailments, diseases, sicknesses. The fact that more than one in seven deaths in the world are pollution-related is just a glimpse into the incredible health and economic toll of toxic pollution. Mostly people don

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on impact of global warming, 27/02/2015. Also includes data on state-wise list of districts vulnerable to extreme weather events.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on electrification of villages, 26/02/2015. Also includes: State-wise Target & achievement of un-electrified villages, intensive electrification of electrified villages and release of free electricity connection to BPL households under RE component of DDUGJY; Details of projects Sanctioned under RE component of DDUGJY under XI Plan; and State wise details of projects sanctioned under RE component of DDUGJY under XII Plan.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on demand and supply of power, 26/02/2015. Aslo includes: The State/UT-wise total demand and supply of power in terms of energy and peak in the country during each year of Twelfth Five year Plan i.e.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on availability of power, 26/02/2015. Also includes the details of power supply position indicating surplus/ deficit status in different states/UTs during the current year (April, 2014 to January, 2015).

Question raised in Lok Sabha on allocation of power to states, 26/02/2015. Also includes the details of norms/guidelines for the allocation of power to States/Union Territory (UTs), and the State/UT-wise details of allocation from CGSs and peak demand in the country during last three years and the current year (April, 2014 to January,2015).

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on data regarding forest area in the country, 26/02/2015. Also includes Annexure referred to in reply to part (a) of the Rajya Sabha Unstarred Question No. 351 due for answer on 26-02-2015 pertaining to Data regarding forest area in the country.
