Question raised in Lok Sabha on climate change, 21/07/2015. National Mission for a Green India (GIM) is one of the eight missions under the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) aimed at mitigation of adverse effects of climate change in India with a holistic view of increasing forest/tree cover, focusing on carbon sequestration targets as well as on multiple ecosystem services, especially, biodiversity, water, biomass etc. The State-wise details of fund released under NAP Scheme is given in Annexure.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on approval for irrigation projects, 21/07/2015. The Government have received proposals for environmental clearance for irrigation projects from various states including Maharashtra. During the last 3 years and including current year, twelve (12) irrigation projects have been accorded environment clearance (EC). A list of these 12 projects is annexed. No irrigation project is pending for approval for environment clearance.

The provisional socio-economic data for Rural India has been released. The survey has been completed in all the 640 districts. It is provisional as the final lists are being uploaded in some districts after addressing all the objections received. It is being released as its use in evidence based planning for rural development and poverty reduction needs to be undertaken immediately.

Flash flooding triggered by torrential rains has killed 71 people in Gujarat, as annual monsoon season hits the country. Track the latest updates as floods threaten and disrupt normal life in - Jammu and Kashmir, Assam, Mumbai in Maharashtra, Assam, Meghalaya and even as Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh are on high alert.

The Little Green Data Book 2015 is a pocket-sized ready reference on key environmental data for over 200 countries. Key indicators are organized under the headings of agriculture, forestry, biodiversity, oceans, energy, emission and pollution, and water and sanitation. For the third year, The Little Green Data Book presents a new set of ocean-related indicators, highlighting the role of oceans in economic development.

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has set out to produce comprehensive, reliable data sets on renewable energy capacity and use worldwide. The first such data set shows renewable power-generation capacity for 2000-2014. The renewable power capacity data shown represents the maximum net generating capacity of power plants and other installations that use renewable energy sources to produce electricity. For most countries and technologies, the data reflects the capacity installed and connected at the end of the calendar year.

Coal Directory of India provides coal and lignite statistics spreading over eleven sections covering some general economy data, brief history of coal sector in India, present status, reserve, production, dispatches, pit head closing stock, price, export and import, trends of coal consumption in power, steel and cement production, captive coal and lignite blocks, world coal statistics and brief colliery statistics.

Nearly 2,000 people in the country have lost their lives to heat wave this summer. As these numbers continue to soar and experts debate on what lies ahead, a look at possible answers to questions that might be troubling most of us.

2015 is the final year for the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – goals set by governments in 2000 to guide global efforts to end poverty. This year’s "World Health Statistics" – published by WHO – assesses progress towards the health-related goals in each of the 194 countries for which data are available. By the end of this year if current trends continue, the world will have met global targets for turning around the epidemics of HIV, malaria and tuberculosis and increasing access to safe drinking water.

Damage to crops due to heavy rains, hailstorm and frost.
