India scored poorly in the Mother's Index Rank standing at 140 out of 179 countries in the charity organization Save the Children's 2015 report titled "State of the World's Mothers" putting it behind Zimbabwe, Iraq and Bangladesh. The Index scores countries on five criteria: maternal health, children's well being, educational status, economic status and political status.

Around 3,617 people have died and over 6,500 people have been injured in Nepal, according to BBC, with rescue and relief operations going on in full swing. The toll may further rise as bodies are still feared trapped under the rubble of collapsed buildings. Tibet and India are also trying to assess the damage even though the intensity of the quake was much less in these two countries. Here is a list of the worst earthquakes in the world occurs since 1900, both in the number of deaths and magnitude,
to give you an idea of the amount of havoc they have caused.

More than 3 million people were physically or economically displaced by nearly 1,000 World Bank-financed projects between 2004 and 2013.

India gets 70% of its annual rainfall in the monsoon, which irrigates half the country

India gets 70% of its annual rainfall in the monsoon, which irrigates half the country's farmlands. In 2014, IMD had forecast that rainfall in June-September
monsoon season would be 95% of the 50-year average, which is below normal rainfall. In its August review of the forecast, IMD cut the prediction to 87%, after rainfall in June came in at the lowest in five years.

This publication is being brought out once in every two years and covers a wide range of data on water resources and its related resources in the country. The last edition of this

The data contains details of farmers covered, beneficiaries as well as claims paid to them under insurance schemes for Rabi 2013-14 and Kharif 2014 seasons, and details of area sown and insured State-wise.

This publication titled “Energy Statistics” is brought out every year by Central Statistics Office (CSO) and the present one is the 22nd in the series. The latest data on reserves, installed capacity, potential for generation, production, consumption, import, export and wholesale price of different energy commodities are included in the publication. The publication also includes analytical indicators viz. Growth Rates, Compound Annual Growth Rates (CAGR) & Percentage Distributions, in relevant tables to increase the utility of the publication.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on tiger deaths, 19/03/2015. Also includes: The details of tiger deaths (classified as cases of confirmed poaching including seizure, cases under scrutiny and those due to natural and other causes), as reported by States, inside and outside tiger reserves during the last three years; he Government of India has taken several steps to control poaching, habitat destruction and human-tiger conflicts; and Several milestone initiatives have been taken by the Government of India for protection and conservation of tigers and other wild animals in the country

Officers and activists who took on the sand mafia in India.
