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The first-ever lab study of junk foods in India by Centre for Science and Environment published in Down To Earth exposes dubious claims by fast food giants.

Junk food is bad for health. Its definition tells its inner story—food that is high on calories and saturated fat but low on nutrition. Junk food is all about pleasure and empty calories. So, the world is worried. It is now linked to the growing epidemic of non-communicable diseases—the ‘fat’ problem. Every ailment from heart diseases to hypertension and diabetes is linked to how one eats and how one exercises.

See Also

Presentation: Why we should worry about food we love to eat?

Press Release: Watch out for what you eat.

Note: Take junk food out of schools, say participants at a CSE Round Table.

Act: Food Safety & Standards Act, 2006.

Factsheet: Food safety watch.

Report: Chronic non-communicable diseases in India.

Presentation: Junking the Junk.

Presentation: Obesity - The Indian Perspective.