India s wealth of flora and fauna provide a rainbow of natural dyes

Turmeric, the dried root of Curcuma longa has tough brown skin and bright orange flesh

Research efforts on natural colours are not helping the traditional industry

A symbol of British exploitation during India s freedom movement, Indigo was named after India

Natural dye business survives on exporters and the local carpet industry

...without the right to survive

Forget health impacts, tiny particles floating in the air are altering regional climates and affecting monsoon patterns and agricultural yield. These particles could be emanating from diesel and industrial emissions, biomass burning for cooking, forest fi

Some aerosols are directly emitted like carbon black particles, while others like sulphates are formed by gaseous precursors. Often two or more aerosol species combine to form mixed particles with properties and atmospheric lifetimes different from those

The threats from aerosols are all pervading

A P MITRA, one of the three co chief scientists of the Indian Ocean Experiment indoex , spoke to Down To Earth
