To be a truly participatory republic, India must take tutorials from these tiny republics

Madhya Pradesh sets the trend for punishing incompetent elected representatives

The Himalayan arc, 40% of which ruptured in the last two centuries, has witnessed half a dozen large to great earthquakes including the 1833 and 1934 Bihar

Natural dyes, now popular in the West, are yet to make it big in the Indian market, reports R V Singh
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India s first alliance of women affected by mining takes shape

Can this tribal community in the Nilgiris survive the concrete trappings of civilisation? Tarun Chhabra on the eco friendly Todas

Medicines are for the rich, not for fighting tropical diseases afflicting millions in developing nations. Pharmaceutical companies seem to have but one agenda: greater profits

Kerala villagers cross swords with Coca Cola over groundwater use

It is a herbaceous climbing plant and red dye is obtained from its root

The soft drink industry s water consumption levels are high and rising
