Excessive pollution predicted from future energy consumption can be reduced if alternative sources are used and efficiency is increased.

Infectious diseases are still the largest cause of death in the world and tuberculosis remains the leader.

FOR COMPOSITES National Aeronautical Laboratory Post Box No 1779 Bangalore (Karnataka) 560 017 Phone: (0812) 571112 Fax: 812-560862 FOR NON-FERROUS MATERIALS Defence Metallurgical Research

The 24th international film festival in New Delhi introduced an indigenously developed technology that makes it possible to telecast a film simultaneously from different telecasting regional centres subtitled in the language of that region.

IF YOU thought headaches were restricted to reluctant Mills and Boons heroines, think again. After a 14-year follow-up study of 26 patients, scientists John R Ostergaard and Morten Kraft from the

A UN ban on export of hardwood from Cambodia notwithstanding, Thai loggers continue to exploit loopholes and carry wood across the border.

Confusion and lack of interest were the highlights of the annual gathering of scientists this year in Goa.

PARTICLE physicists at Fermilab near Chicago may have sighted the elusive "top" quark, one of the smallest constituents of matter (Science, Vol 258, No 5086; New Scientist, Vol 136, No 1851). An

The sharing of waters between India and Nepal has always been a contentious issue. If the latest agreement is any different, it is only because the issue has become political.

Workers often fail to get proper medical treatment because they are mostly ignorant of occupational diseases.
