From cash crops to carbon sinks: a new identity to virtual land alienation in Odisha

Growing cash crops is not a new thing in Indian tradition, but considered in the context of efficient land use, food- & fodder security, environmental- & ecological security, and of course the socio-economic security land use changes for growing cash crops that are incompatible to all or most of such factors definitely becomes a matter of concern particularly when India, overburdened with its population, is fast losing its land- and other natural resources to mining, industrialization, or other such ‘developmental’(?) projects without an efficient & effective land use policy and planning. This report is a small and partial attempt to expose the fraud of such ‘green initiatives’ based on some primary studies and secondary research, and authors acknowledge the contribution of the villagers, organizations(including VCCSL, JKPL, BILT, and LIVING FARMS), and individuals who have helped during this study. It is likely that the findings & conclusions of this report may not withstand the political apathy, industrial tactics, ignorance of the vulnerable, and attitudinal change of the farmers.
