Sustainable development of renewable energy mini-grids for energy access: a framework for policy design
Sustainable development of renewable energy mini-grids for energy access: a framework for policy design
Renewable energy-based mini-grids can be an important alternative to, or enhance the effectiveness of, central grid extension as a way to increase access to reliable electricity services. While there are a number of challenges to implementing RE mini-grids, many of these can be addressed by well-conceived policy measures. In this study, provide a framework for mini-grid policy design underpinned by specific implementation examples from seven different countries – China, India, Brazil, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, and Tanzania. These nations have chosen specific models for the institutional, technical and financial components in their mini-grid policies with varying results. This report was a joint publication between Prayas, LBNL and UC-Berkeley prepared specifically as a background reading material for the Clean Energy Ministerial 2013 hosted in Delhi in April, 2013.