Enable Block: 

In an interim order, the National Green Tribunal (NGT) has directed the state government not to grant any new mining leases which fall within eco-sensitive zones (buffer zones), protected forests a

Offshore casinos operating in the River Mandovi have failed to comply with pollution-checking measures stipulated in the consent-to-operate given under the air and water acts thereby causing water

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Shervani Hospitalities Ltd. Vs Delhi Pollution Control Committee & Others dated 14/10/2013 on whether the hotel's ETP is functional or not and about the discharge of the effluent from the premises. NGT states in the order that if the ETP is non-functional or discharge is not within prescribed parameters and standards or the stated fee is not deposited as directed within the stipulated period, the DPCC shall seal the Hotel without any further Notice.

Of 83 environmental cases pending in various courts across the country, over 70% were filed in 2013 and most of them are related to mining.

Even as it pulled up the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) for not making appreciable progress after submitting a preliminary report on the oil pipeline leak in North Chennai, the National

The National Green Tribunal (NGT), Southern Bench, on Friday directed the Union Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas to convene a meeting of secretaries of the ministries of Environment and Forest

The units claimed they were adding 'nannari', 'athimathuram' and some other herbs saying these were good for health.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of People for Transparency Through Kamal Anand Vs. State of Punjab & Ors. dated 11/10/2013 regarding collection and disposal of municipal waste by the Municipal Corporation Pathankot.

Note: This application has been received upon transfer from the High Court of Punjab and Haryana at Chandigarh.

Original Source: http://www.greentribunal.gov.in/orderinpdf/34-2013(THC)(OA)_11Oct2013.pdf

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Centre for Environment Protection, Research & Development Vs. State of M.P. & Others dated 11/10/2013 regarding pollution in and around the city of Indore in Madhya Pradesh. NGT states in the order "In the opinion of the Tribunal, the matter is of utmost importance for the reason that as per the latest Guidelines dated 17.09.2013 issued by the MoEF, Govt. of India, Indore has again been declared as Critically Polluted Area among the 08 such areas throughout the Country where moratorium has been re-imposed.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Anil Kumar Nanda & Anr. V/s MoEF & Others dated 11/10/2013. In this order NGT has asked the MoEF and State Pollution Control Board to file further details regarding the number of Coal Tar refineries situated in the State of Odisha as well as in West Bengal and the date from which those refineries are operating and whether those refineries have environmental clearance
or not.
