Enable Block: 

Following complaints by fishermen and the Velim panchayat over the mortality of shellfish in the catchment area of River Sal along Velim, Betul and Cutbona, the government on Monday launched an inv

OBSERVING that an order passed by the National Green Tribunal had ‘overridden’ its previous order and “cannot continue for a single day”, the Bombay High Court Thursday stayed the NGT order that re

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Principal Bench, New Delhi) in the matter of Ravinder Kumar Sharma & Ors. Vs State of Jammu & Kashmir & Ors. dated 17/04/2014 regarding running of brick kiln in Tehsil & District Rajouri of
Jammu and Kashmir. It is stated that the respondents are digging earth for the purpose of making bricks without environmental clearance to the extent of more than 10 meters in contravention of the Government of India Notification dated 24.06.2013.

This development follows the Coal Ministry in December last year seeking explanation from NTPC for slow progress of the mine

State-owned NTPC's coal mine in Odisha has been recommended for green clearance by an Environment Ministry panel, subject to conditions.
"The Committee (Expert Appraisal Committee) after deliberations of the submissions of the proponent has recommended for granting environment clearance with...Specific conditions," says an official document.

Sewage outfall into river to be diverted to existing network before opening of sand bar

Eco-restoration of Adyar creek and estuary, on 300 acres, is likely to take off soon. Stipulating four conditions, the Union ministry of environment and forests (MoEF) has recommended coastal regulation zone (CRZ) clearance for the project.

Mumbai: Action has been recommended against several developers by the state environment appraisal committee (SEAC-2) for undertaking construction without prior environment clearance (EC).

Ravi Budhiraja, chairperson of SEAC-2, which scrutinizes construction proposals for the Mumbai Metropolitan Region, said there were nearly100 cases over the last year.

New Delhi-based South Asia Network on Dams Rivers and People (SANDRP) has alleged that the environment impact assessment (EIA) report on 1200 Mega Watt Kalai II hydroelectric project (HEP) in Anjaw

New Delhi based South Asia Network on Dams Rivers and People (SANDRP) has alleged that the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) study for 1,200 mega watt Kalai II Hydroelectric Project (HEP) in Anja

Thiruvananthapuram: The Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) has begun examining the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) report of Vizhinjam port project which was submitted by Vizhinjam port authoriti

Significantly even after Supreme Court directive not to grant clearance for hydroelectric project in the State until further orders

The State Government is seeking forest clearance for the 300 MW Lakhwar hydroelectric power project even after the Supreme Court on August 13 directed the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) and the State Government not to grant clearance for hydroelectric power projects in the State until further orders.
