The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) is India’s flagship social protection programme. This paper is part of a series of studies that analyse how MGNREGS builds and strengthens the resilience of rural households to different climate shocks.

This paper examines how the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) helps households in South Sikkim, India, build resilience to winter drought. It is one in a series of briefings that analyse how the scheme builds the resilience of rural households in different states to different climate shocks.

This paper is one in a series of briefings that analyse how the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) builds rural households’ resilience to different climate shocks.

This paper is one in a series of briefings that analyse how the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) builds rural households’ resilience to different climate shocks. This paper examines how MGNREGS is helping households in West Singhbhum District, Jharkhand, India, build resilience to drought.

This paper is one in a series of briefings that analyse how the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) builds rural households’ resilience to different climate shocks. This paper examines how MGNREGS is helping households in Srikakulam District, Andhra Pradesh, India, build resilience to cyclones.

In October 1998, a hurricane visited death and destruction on Honduras, with flooding and mudslides. A case history of a rural community documents how recovery from that event produced socio-economic improvement.

Contemporary efforts to protect biodiversity internationally are beset by multiple problems. Growing consumption pressures are contributing to ever faster declines in species and the systems they depend on. Available funds for conservation have declined.

The success of historically developed adaptation practices among the rural poor depends crucially on the nature of prevailing formal and informal rural institutions.

This document focuses on the role of local institutions in adaptation to climate change. It does so under the belief that climate impacts will affect disadvantaged social groups more disproportionately, and that local institutions centrally influence how different social groups gain access to and are able to use assets and resources.