Loss and damage is an urgent issue: the world’s least-resourced communities and countries are increasingly unable to adapt to or absorb worsening climate impacts. Greater international support is overdue, but the realities and costs of loss and damage remain poorly understood and information is not systematically shared.

Climate funds should facilitate the transition to a low-carbon and climate-resilient future. Energy storage and ancillary grid services are critical to expanding the proportion of intermittent renewable generation on the electricity grid.

Climate funds should facilitate the transition to a low-carbon and climate-resilient future. Energy storage and ancillary grid services are critical to expanding the proportion of intermittent renewable generation on the electricity grid.

The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) is already delivering climate resilience to India’s rural poor. This report examines how MGNREGS can use climate finance to deliver improved resilience and maximise its development outcomes to reach the rural poor at scale, enabling better spend of India’s climate finance.

This paper examines how the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) helps households in South Sikkim, India, build resilience to winter drought. It is one in a series of briefings that analyse how the scheme builds the resilience of rural households in different states to different climate shocks.

Despite headway made in recent years, the decentralised renewable energy sector is still at an early stage and investing in this sector presents the significant challenge of matching the type and scale of finance offered by investors with the finance needs of small-scale energy access for unelectrified households.

With the rapid ratification of the Paris Agreement, international climate funds will be important in scaling up developing countries climate action.