This study aims to obtain enhanced understanding of subnational (e.g. cities and subnational regions) and non-state (e.g. companies) actors’ action on GHG emissions reductions in India.

In 2017, the International Development Finance Club (IDFC) together with the group of Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) made a joint commitment to “align financial flows with the Paris Agreement”.

Financial institution’s climate-related investment targets have rapidly grown in recent years. In this report, we provide insights into the magnitude and ambition of these targets, and investigate their relationship with GHG emissions in the real economy.

This case study presents the potential impact of lower battery and renewable energy costs projections in Canada’s NDC emissions target. The costs for renewable electricity generation and electric vehicles have dropped since the NDCs were developed, and future cost projections also decreased as a result.

This report critically analyses perceptions on the NDC implementation progress among national and sector experts involved in NDC processes in emerging and developing countries.

This briefing presents the results of a preliminary analysis into United States’ subnational and non-state action and its impact on national greenhouse gas emissions, if fully implemented. The analysis covers commitments from individual actors, which set quantitative mitigation targets and for which historical emissions data are available.