Recent analyses developed by Fraunhofer ISI and NewClimate Institute show that faster and steeper than expected cost reductions for certain key mitigation technologies over the past five years can lead to an increased technology uptake and to a higher level of climate ambition, if the initially intended investment sum is maintained.

This case study presents the potential impact of lower battery and renewable energy costs projections in Canada’s NDC emissions target. The costs for renewable electricity generation and electric vehicles have dropped since the NDCs were developed, and future cost projections also decreased as a result.

This case study presents the potential impact of lower battery and renewable energy costs projections in Chile’s NDC emissions target. The costs for renewable electricity generation and electric vehicles have dropped since the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) were developed, and future cost projections also decreased as a result.

This report by NewClimate Institute, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) provides an overview of projected greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 25 major emitting countries/regions up to 2030, taking into account the emission trajectories based on current policies and t

To contribute to the fight against climate change, the MDBs have to date largely operated under what we refer to as a Climate Finance Paradigm. That paradigm involves defining, tracking, and maximizing the amount of climate finance that MDBs provide and mobilize.

This report provides an overview of projected greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 25 emitting countries/regions (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, the European Union, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Morocco, the Philippines, Republic of Korea, the Russian Fe

This study compared recommendations for good practice climate change mitigation policies from various institutions with the current status of application of these policies by countries.

This report is a synthesis of the research and re-evaluates the options previously considered in this project (Vieweg et al (2014)) in the light of the negotiation process up to today.

The report "The impact of good practice policies on regional and global greenhouse gas emissions" by NewClimate Institute, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis looks at the impact of “good practice” emission reduction policies in nine different areas globally and across six

More jobs, fewer deaths and money saved from fuel imports. That’s what the climate action commitments laid out by the EU, US and China will deliver to their nations, according to a study by NewClimate Institute, and commissioned by Climate Action Network.
