The early civilisations have conventionally been regarded as products of human ingenuity. Of course, favourable geographical conditions also made a difference. But they just might be fortuitous

farms in the terai region of Uttar Pradesh were enveloped by fog this August. Fog is not unusual in this part of the country but it usually starts happening in winter, mostly in late December and

There's a popular saying in western Rajasthan

The Planning Commission's approach draft for the 11th Five-Year Plan has raised concerns regarding the environmental and socio-economic impacts of the ongoing jatropha plantations for developing

New study may help reduce global dependence on fertilisers

Study favours separate collection and treatment of urine

Bird species found only in Nicobar Islands take a plunge

Need of the hour is to systematies trauma care centres

May cause increase in desert areas

The tsunami uncovers ancient sculptures
