This UNDP-WHO joint report draws attention to the global energy access situation and highlights that three billion people still rely on traditional biomass and coal, with a striking two million deaths per year associated with indoor burning of these solid fuels in unventilated kitchens.

Almost two billion people need modern energy services by 2015 to accelerate MDGs achievement.

Despite many studies looking at levels of indoor air pollution, successful initiatives to reduce the burden of ill health are few. One reason may be some commonly held beliefs, especially among those not directly involved in household energy, on some key issues in this field. ITDG has been collaborating on smoke alleviation with the University of Liverpool and other groups internationally for several years. This discussion is based on approaches adopted through two on-going projects funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) in Kenya, Nepal and Sudan. March 2005

The evaluation of household energy programmes is a complex and demanding task, but also very important and worthwhile. In this article, a team from the University of Liverpool presents a range of issues that arose from a series of evaluation studies,