Natural forages play an important role in the livestock based rural economy in developing countries like India. In this paper an attempt has been made to divide whole of India into four major natural silvipastoral cover that will help in forage resource planning and execution of various programmes for sustainable livestock production.

Poplar (Populus deltoides) has gained considerable importance in agroforestry plantations of western Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Haryana, Punjab, and Jammu and Kashmir due to its deciduous nature, fast growth, short rotation and high industrial requirement.

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Based on the traditional wisdom of the tree based farming systems followed since ages across the world, scientific community intervened to harness full benefits of agroforestry land use system and address global issues of land degradation and agricultural sustainability.

Agroforestry has high potential for simultaneously satisfying three important objectives viz., protecting and stabilizing the ecosystems; producing a high level of output of economic goods; and improving income and basic materials to rural population. Besides, agroforestry is capable to conserve natural resources through various systems under different agroclimatic regions.