Here we describe the bird community of Shingba Rhododendron sanctuary, a high altitude protected area (> 3200 m) and an Important Bird Area (IBA) in Sikkim in the Eastern Himalaya, India. Altogether 332 points were sampled using a point count method.

Seasonal variations and effects of ambient air pollutants on palak (Beta vulgaris L. var. Allgreen) plants were investigated with respect to root, shoot length, number of leaves plant-1, leaf area and root and shoot biomass at a suburban site situated in dry tropical area of India, experiencing elevated levels of ambient air pollutants.

Addition of carbon to the soil promotes microbial immobilization of plant-available nutrients, and is being considered as a method to counter alien plant invasions, particularly in disturbed habitats.

Lantana camara is an invasive species that is widespread in India. Using birds as an indicator taxon, we investigated whether Lantana invasion was correlated with changes in ecosystem health of the moist and dry deciduous forests at the Mal

Invasion by exotic species is among the most important global-scale problems experienced by natural ecosystems. Studies document that floristic changes that emerge after habitat fragmentation may be due to invasion by exotic weeds.

Dyes present in the effluent of textile industries are recalcitrant molecules difficult to be degraded biologically. In this study we used Pseudomonas fluorescens to degrade Direct Orange - 102 dye. Pseudomonas fluorescens NCIM 2100 was obtained from National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India, that was adapted to grow on Direct Orange - 102.

The paper deals with the accumulation of heavy metals and responses of lady

In certain areas of Varanasi city, waste water from Dinapur sewage treatment plant is used for irrigating vegetable plots. We quantified the concentrations of heavy metals, viz. Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in soil, vegetables and the waste water used for irrigation. The waste water used for irrigation had the highest concentration of Zn followed by Pb, Cr, Ni, Cu and Cd.

We investigated the mid stream water quality of Ganga river as influenced by aerially - driven heavy metals at Varanasi, India. Twelve sampling stations were selected along a 20 km long stretch of the river. Mid stream sub-surface water samples collected at fortnightly intervals from all the sites were acid digested and analyzed for Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn.

A pilot study was undertaken to assess the potential fertility of lentic waters and to ellucidate the ecology of aquatic flora. In addition, studies were performed at microcosmal level and the results, so obtained, were applied at field level, to forsee the impact of nutrients on natural waters.