Nigeria and other countries of the Sub-Sahara African region have the world's worst access to electricity, the International Energy Agency, IEA, said in its latest report.
Federal Government has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Ezektech Limited for the provision of solar powered plants ranging from 250kw to 1mw across the country.
Luanda — Angolan government is working toward reducing the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and promoting energy efficiency as recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) announced, on the anniversary of the World Water Day, that Egypt is ranked 50 out of 178 countries in the water and sanitation ind
Government will inject around Rs 10.3 billion in the implementation of priority projects in the water sector so as to address water supply problems in regions that are most affected.
The Ministry of Water Resources said Egypt and Kenya will sign a memorandum of understanding worth 5.5 million dollars (around 40 million pounds) for boosting bilateral water cooperation, the minis
Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan signed a declaration of principles on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on Monday in a meeting of the trio's top leadership in Sudanese capital Khartoum.
Communities impacted by the 2011 Shell's Bonga offshore oil spill in Bayelsa and Delta States have commenced verification of claims by people impacted by the incident.