There is now a one-in-three chance of record rainfall hitting part of England and Wales each winter, according to new Met Office study which highlights the risk of major flooding as the climate war
The plummeting cost of renewable energy means even if Donald Trump pulls the US out of the Paris climate change accord, America will still meet its commitments in the agreement, a new report has sa
ExxonMobil has repeatedly claimed to be involved in the fight against climate change, but official documents show it continues to spend millions supporting climate deniers.
The UK Government is being taken to court for a third time over its latest attempt to produce an effective plan to reduce air pollution to within safe limits.
Researchers found a 24 per cent reduction in bee populations at test sites in Hungary was linked to use of neonicotinoids, but also some 'positive' effects of its use in Germany
More than 7,400 cities and local councils have signed up to a ‘Global Covenant of Mayors’ to fight climate change, galvanised by Donald Trump’s dismissal of scientists’ concerns for the future.
More than a third of seabirds in the North Sea and about a quarter of those in the Celtic Seas have suffered from “widespread breeding failure”, according to a new report.
A “unique” new species of parrot – described as “phlegmatic” with a call like a bird of prey – has been discovered by scientists, it has been revealed.