Global warming will cost the world economy more than £1.5 trillion a year in lost productivity by 2030 as it becomes too hot to work in many jobs, according to a major new report.

Clouds are moving towards the poles and getting higher in the sky as the planet warms, according to a new study that confirms predictions made by climate models for the first time.

Urgent action must be taken to protect Britain from flooding, deadly heatwaves, water shortages and an international food crisis that will all become increasing risks as the Earth warms, according

Paris climate summit put planet on course for 'catastrophic' warming despite being seen as success, study finds

Carbon dioxide levels in Antarctica have reached their highest levels for four million years.

The Arctic is on track to be free of sea ice this year or next for the first time in more than 100,000 years, a leading scientist has claimed.

India’s on-going heat wave, which set a new record for the country’s highest-ever recorded temperature last week, is melting tarmac on the roads of some of India's busiest cities.

Global warming could raise sea levels by almost three metres (9.8ft) by destabilising a major eastern Antarctic glacier, scientists have said.

The international climate deal agreed in Paris has “failed to include meaningful mechanisms” to guarantee financial support for poorer countries adapting to global warming, according to a report by

With cattle contributing a tenth of global emissions, people are 'ethically obliged' to change their eating habits, an influential government think tank says
