The country’s target to harness 10,000 MW of hydropower by 2020 got a huge boost with the government of India giving the green signal for the construction of four hydropower projects.
Health: Although the increase in multi drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB) cases could partly be due to good diagnostic services, public health officials find the surge from two cases in January t
Samdrupjongkhar drangpon Ugyen Jamtsho and CFO Ugyen Namgyal sensitise villagers on the importance of the cameras
First national survey of the big cat is to be carried out shortly
Four huts were razed to the ground and around 1,000 acres of forest were destroyed in a fire that started around 2.30 pm today above Langjophakha in Thimphu. No casualty was reported.
Hydropower: The country’s target to generate 10,000 MW of electricity got a boost, with the cabinet approving the detailed project report (DPR) of the 180MW Bunakha reservoir hydroelectric project
PES: A give and take initiative of the department of forest and park services (DoFPS) could save natural resources, and even help reduce poverty in rural areas, if it gains momentum.
PHEP-I: Punatsangchhu hydroelectric project I (PHEP-I) will earn about Nu 1.4B worth of foreign currency annually upon commissioning, in exchange for carbon credits.