The quality of air in the national Capital has deteriorated once again with pollution level going up after witnessing a few days of ‘good’ air quality.

In a welcome departure from the past, the decibel levels came down markedly on the streets of Mumbai on the last day of the Ganesh festivities on Sunday, as more than 250 leading Ganpati mandals to

In December last year, municipal corporations in the city started a sealing drive against business establishments and sealed thousands of small shops for non-payment of conversion charges, encroac

NMDC Ltd, in its diamond jubilee year has won one more prestigious national award at the ‘India Green Energy Award - 2018’ ceremony held recently in New Delhi, a company press release informed on M

In the last seven years (2011-2017), India has restored 9.8 million hectares of degraded land, with Government agencies playing a major role in the green initiative, restoring 95 per cent while the

With 34 fresh cases reported last week, the total number of malaria cases has reached at 207.

In major step in reducing air pollution in the national Capital, Environment Minister Imran Hussain on Wednesday announced that the Delhi Government will carry out massive plantation drive by plan

The Delhi Government is laying out a comprehensive roadmap to encourage adoption of rooftop solar projects.

The most talked about issue that comes ahead of setting up any power plant in Jharkhand—compulsory power sharing agreement with the State—has gone for a major shift in the new energy policy draft b

A Parliamentary panel on Thursday dismissed the Government’s claim of achieving about 84 per cent of the sanitation coverage in the rural areas under the Swachchh Bharat Mission (SBM) noting that i
