In the present publication, thirty technologies and approaches from the Nepal Conservation Approaches and Technologies (NEPCAT) database, documented using the WOCAT tool, are being published as printed fact sheets to facilitate sharing with a wider audience.

The Federation of Drinking Water and Sanitation Users Nepal (FEDWASUN) is a people-based umbrella organisation of drinking water and sanitation users' groups in Nepal. It facilitates the provision of drinking water and sanitation (WATSAN) services to communities, advocates for water and sanitation rights

Political boundaries do not limit the movement of biological resources and knowledge. Countries in the Himalayan region share common biological resources and traditional knowledge, and protection and sustainable use cannot be planned effectively by single countries in isolation.

Environment management is a significant challenge in developing
countries mainly due to lack of strong legislation to control
wastewater and institutional capacity for integrated planning and
management. This paper describes the importance of small scale

Suspended particulate matter (SPM), dust, fumes and gases from cement production can result in a range of health effects to households living around factories. This study estimates the health costs associated with air pollution from a cement factory in the district of Puttalam in Sri Lanka.

A new SANDEE study has found that air pollution from Sri Lanka

Mountains are among the most fragile environments on earth but, at the same time, are also rich repositories of biodiversity and ecosystem services, and the sources of much of the water that sustains life on the planet.

This recent study by SANDEE examines the link between stream flow, agricultural water use and economic returns to agriculture. Attempts to simulate the likely impacts of regeneration of a degraded forest catchment on stream flow and the consequent impact on irrigation tankbased agriculture in a downstream village.

This workshop examined the threats that climate change and the fragmentation of natural ecosystems pose to mountain environments. The focus was on mountains, and specifi cally those conservation connectivity corridors which include transboundary protected areas. The workshop endeavoured to assist the

This study provides an insight on the role of tropical forests in the functioning of watersheds and the affect on agriculture and farmers?. Its findings are of particular importance for policy makers across South Asia, where large populations use forests and water resources intensively.
