India Meteorological Department (IMD) issues various monthly and seasonal forecasts of rainfall for the southwest monsoon season (June to September). Operational forecasts for the southwest monsoon season rainfall are issued in two stages. The first stage forecast is issued in April and the second stage forecast is issued in June.

Under the influence of prevailing winds & clear sky conditions over northwest & adjoining central India and approaching western disturbance over western Himalayan region, the maximum and minimum temperatures had risen over some parts of plains of northwest, west & central India and adjoining north peninsular India and are above normal by 4-60 C. It has led to the heat wave conditions at a few places over West Rajasthan & Gujarat and at isolated places over West Madhya Pradesh during past 24 hours.

This study assesses the potential of rooftop rainwater harvesting technique in the sustainable development of water resources in the state of Maharashtra. Rainwater harvesting is an ideal solution to overcome water problems where surface water sources are insufficient and groundwater supply is quantitatively and qualitatively inadequate.

This study assesses the potential of rooftop rainwater harvesting technique in the sustainable development of water resources in the state of Maharashtra. Rainwater harvesting is an ideal solution to overcome water problems where surface water sources are insufficient and groundwater supply is quantitatively and qualitatively inadequate.

This report discusses operational monitoring and forecasting aspects of the 2014 southwest monsoon. Analysis of various monsoon features, such as progress of the monsoon, semi-permanent and transient weather systems, rainfall distribution etc. have been presented.

Monsoon is expected to be 93% below normal this year says IMD. Read IMD forecast , 9 June 2014.

Thunderstorm development is a rapid process occurring within a short period of a few hours.

Currently the ENSO conditions over equatorial Pacific are in the border line between warm ENSO neutral and weak El Nino conditions. Latest forecasts from almost all ENSO prediction models indicate a transition to sustained El Nino conditions during the southwest monsoon with probability of about 70%.

The fifth session of the SASCOF (SASCOF-5), convened to generate the climate outlook for the summer monsoon season of 2014, was held at Pune, India, from 22-23 April 2014 with the participation of eight South Asian countries.
