The study evaluates the role of R&D, human capital, and technology spillovers in influencing India’s long-run productivity growth.

Even as a huge body of empirical evidence points to the cooperation-inducing character of shared water, popular narrative seems to get carried away in its visions of water wars and outright conflict. Theoretical literature largely focuses on bargaining and treaty negotiations as efficient solutions to intractable water conflicts.

Despite the substantial body of work focused on women farmers in India, the generational aspects of women farmers are often under-researched. Young women farmers (YWF) often get lost in discussions of youth in agriculture or women farmers more generally.

This paper presents an overview of the state of young women farmers in India as they navigate livelihoods in a sector that faces severe challenges.

Devoting public resources to reducing micronutrient deficiencies in children is essential for improved health, and is associated with large economic returns in the long-run through better productivity, lower health costs, and intergenerational transmission of these benefits.

Eradication of poverty is an important objective of economic policy. Therefore, measurement of poverty has to be sound as it has significant policy implications. This paper presents the methodology followed by the Expert Group (Rangarajan) and explains some of the issues that were raised after the publication of the Report.

In the absence of a cooperative solution to the problem of rights over shared water, water allocation through third party intervention is most commonly used.

Amidst the economic slowdown triggered by the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in India there have been many demands for the government to announce a large fiscal stimulus to support the economy. Economic growth and tax revenues remain uncertain in 2020-21 making it challenging for the government to finance any addition to the fiscal deficit.

Despite an increase in the number of workers commuting between rural and urban areas, much of the literature on worker mobility continues to be migration centric. This paper establishes the importance of rural-urban commuting in India.

India is striving to achieve its climate mitigation goal of reducing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission intensity of the economy by 33-35% by 2030 from 2005 levels. The energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are more than three-fourth of the total GHG emissions in the country.
