Question raised in Lok Sabha on Environmental Pollution, 07/02/2017. Government of Delhi has carried out with the help of IIT Kanpur, a comprehensive study of air pollution in Delhi and identified major sources of air pollution viz.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Crop Loss Due to Climate Change, 07/02/2017. The frequent climatic/ weather variations and uneven rainfall distribution adversely impact the level of agriculture production and productivity.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Air Quality, 07/02/2017. Central Pollution Control Board monitors the ambient air quality at 680 monitoring stations located in 300 cities/towns covering 29 states and 6 union territories across the country under National Air Quality Monitoring Programme (NAMP). Under NAMP, three air pollutants viz.,

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Loss of Crops, 07/02/2017. A number of States were affected by drought and hailstorm of varying magnitude during the years 2013-14 to 2016-17. Memoranda received from the drought affected States for assistance from National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) were considered in accordance with the established procedure and a statement indicating State-wise details assistance sought by the respective State and assistance approved by the Government of India from NDRF are indicated in the statement annexed as Annexure-I & II.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Human-Animal Conflicts, 07/02/2017. Incidence of human-animal conflict and death due to such conflict are reported in various parts of the country from time to time. However, as the management of forest and wildlife is the mandate of State Governments, State-wise and year-wise data of such incidents are not collated in the Ministry. As per the report of Project Tiger and Project Elephant, state-wise details of human casualty/ death, including Kerala during last three years is given in Annexure-I and II.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Human-Animal Conflicts, 07/02/2017. Incidence of human-animal conflict and death due to such conflict are reported in various parts of the country from time to time. However, as the management of forest and wildlife is the mandate of State Governments, State-wise and year-wise data of such incidents are not collated in the Ministry. As per the report of Project Tiger and Project Elephant, state-wise details of human casualty/ death, including Kerala during last three years is given in Annexure-I and II.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Human-Animal Conflicts, 07/02/2017. Incidence of human-animal conflict and death due to such conflict are reported in various parts of the country from time to time. However, as the management of forest and wildlife is the mandate of State Governments, State-wise and year-wise data of such incidents are not collated in the Ministry. As per the report of Project Tiger and Project Elephant, state-wise details of human casualty/ death, including Kerala during last three years is given in Annexure-I and II.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Funds for Combating Climate Change, 07/02/2017.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Counting of Wildlife Animals, 07/02/2017. Census of major flagship species is undertaken at the State-level by the respective State/Union Territory Governments periodically. However census of tiger and elephant is undertaken at the national level once every four and five years respectively. State-wise comparative estimated population of tigers, elephants, rhino and lions, as available with the Ministry, is given in the Annexure. There is a general trend of increase in the population of tiger, elephants, rhino and lions in the country.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Contamination of Water, 07/02/2017. Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) carries out groundwater quality assessment and monitoring across the country. Based on such assessment, locations in excess of permissible limits, as prescribed by Bureau of Indian Standards, have been identified which are given in the annexure.
