This study focuses on the information needs of the financial sector with respect to direct physical risks of climate change impacts. Clearly, there are many issues for the sector relating to mitigation
(i.e. the control of greenhouse gas emissions). Mitigation continues to be the top priority. However, that is not the subject of this study.

This report brings together key reports from the investment world that demonstrate best practice on climate change,
identifying the risks and opportunities, assessing how companies are dealing with them, and translating their performance and intentions into future financial returns. The emphasis is on

The UNEP Finance Initiative is a unique global partnership between the United Nations Environment Programme and over 170 financial institutions from the banking, investment and insurance sectors across the globe. The Initiative aims to promote linkages between the environment, sustainability and financial performance through a comprehensive work programme, including research and training.

There is common understanding that energy efficiency is a crucial piece of the puzzle to control climate disruption within the required timeframe, as well as to combine vital environmental and economic returns while increasing energy security. Yet investments towards energy efficiency appear to be lagging behind the actual development of financially viable technologies.

This report, developed by the UN Environment Programme's (UNEP FI) Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services Work stream, argues that the business case for biodiversity and ecosystem services is not just about conserving endangered species, but rather that the benefits provided by biodiversity are valued and accounted for within traditional business risk frameworks.
