An Eye on Methane: International Methane Emissions Observatory 2021 Report describes how state actors can take action to curb methane emissions from the fossil fuel industry, and what progress has been made as part of the decarbonization process, particularly in the energy sector.

By providing quantitative evidence of the influence of infrastructure on sustainable development and climate mitigation and adaptation, Infrastructure for Climate Action highlights the key role that infrastructure plays in fostering climate compatible development.

Food saved is as important as food produced.

The world is not on track to achieve zero hunger by 2030 and many of the indicators for the environmental dimension of the Sustainable Development Goals are not moving the right direction. The global food system is witnessing dramatic challenges that threaten the health of people, our environment and our economies.

The Air Pollution and Development in Africa: Impacts on Health, the Economy and Human Capital Report assess the impacts of both household and ambient air pollution on health and the economy in African countries. Looking to the future economic impacts of ambient air pollution, the authors also examine the projected impact on children’s IQ.

This global report provides a review of policy actions of Member States per the mandate provided by UNEA Resolution 3/8 on Preventing and reducing air pollution to improve air quality globally.

This study identifies the impacts of plastic pollution on land and freshwater migratory species protected by the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS).

The 26th edition of UNEP’s Foresight Brief explains the ‘build back better’ strategy in the context of urban livelihoods - a strategy, that has to mean ’building back greener’. The livelihoods of urban residents are shaped by the complex relationship between environmental, social and economic issues affecting inhabitants of urban areas.

The State of Food Waste in West Asia highlights the potential of promoting sustainable lifestyles and empowering youth to positively impact at the consumer level.

The complete lifecycle of hazardous substances (used here to include all toxics and wastes that have adverse effects on human health and on the environment), starting from their manufacturing and transport, to use, to trade, and eventually disposal, can have an enormous impact on the enjoyment of fundamental human rights- such as the rights to l
