Rural Development Minister and the OBC face of BJP in Maharashtra Gopinath Munde died apparently of shock and cardiac arrest suffered during a road accident early this morning.

A special team of engineers from Delhi Development Authority will work in consultation with the Dwarka Water Body Committee to revive waterbodies in the area.

The concerns about depleting green cover and increasing air pollution in the national Capital have made the Delhi Forest Department launch a massive plantation drive soon.

Sets up two panels to look into pollution and state of drains

The novel concept of rainwater harvesting seems to have few takers in the national Capital as there is little effort to create awareness by the government to promote it as a “fruitful investment”,

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Principal Bench, New Delhi) in the matter of Ashok Mittal & Others Vs. NCT of Delhi & Others dated 30/05/2014 regarding pollution of river Yamuna resulting from the drains sewage.

‘Four hundred cases have been reported from the city’.

Officials said a survey found out of 450 patients admitted for measles, many had taken vaccines as per schedule.

Alarmed with three cases of death reported over the last four months along with a spurt in measles cases, Delhi government has started an exercise to identify the high risk zones in the national ca

NEW DELHI: The National Green Tribunal has directed the ministry of environment and forests and the Delhi government to identify and assess the status of wetlands in the capital.
