The report filed by the Urban Local Bodies Department, Haryana has not said anything with respect to the removal of waste from the water body (johar) existing near the dumping site, which is in close proximity to the SND Public School, Palwal, Haryana.

Report filed by the Haryana State Pollution Control Board before the National Green Tribunal (NGT), October 31, 2022 in the matter of OA No. 391/2019 titled as S N D Public School Vs State of Haryana & Others.

Joint inspection report filed by the Haryana State Pollution Control Board in the matter of Shiv Kumar Arora Vs State of Haryana & Others dated 26/09/2022.

The matter related to dust emissions generated from the process of loading and unloading of railway wagons containing clinker dust near Palwal railway station. More than 100 trucks carrying the dust pass through the area every day after loading/unloading from the railway station.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Meenu Devi and State of Haryana & Others dated 22/09/2022.

The grievance in the letter petition sent by email, which has been treated and registered as Original Application, is that a river bridge over river Ghaggar stretch between Sectors 21 and 23 in Panchkula, Haryana is being used more for immersion of religious offerings, garbage than for transportation to Chandigarh Tricity. This is polluting the river and damaging the environment.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Subhender Vs State of Haryana & Others dated 22/09/2022.

Action taken report of the Chief Secretary, Haryana in compliance with the National Green Tribunal order, July 20, 2021.

The matter related to allegations of illegal mining in forest area (non-minable area) in Dadam mines hills, village Dadam. Illegal abstraction of groundwater in Dadam mining area. Unscientific mining in the mining area by the project proponent (M/s Govardhan Mine and Minerals).

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Varun Vs Central Pollution Control Board & Others dated 18/08/2022.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Pradeep Norula Vs Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon & Others dated 10/08/2022.

Grievance of the applicant was that malba/ waste material was being dumped behind the lane of T1, DLF, Phase – III, Gurgaon, Haryana.

Report filed by the authorities informed the court that waste material has been removed.

Judgment of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of Narinder Singh & Others Vs Divesh Bhutani & Others dated 21/07/2022.

The issue related to whether a land covered under a special order issued by the government of Haryana under section 4 of the Punjab Land Preservation Act, 1900 (PLPA) is a forest land within the meaning of the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Anish Vs Union of India & Others dated 19/07/2022.

Grievance in the application was against violation of environmental norms by certain sand mining companies at villages Pobari, Kohliwala and Bailgarh, district Yamuna Nagar, Haryana.
