Polluted stretches of the coastal belt between Pulicat and Kanyakumari, including major tourist destinations along the Tamil Nadu and Puducherry coast will be cleaned on September 3 as part of the International Coastal Clean-up Day.

The State government will implement a Rs.450-crore special tourism development project for the beautification of tourist centres and improvement of basic facilities along the east coast corridor and southern tourist circuit, Tourism Minister Gokula Indira told the Assembly on Tuesday.

With a view to increasing the forest/tree cover as per the national forest policy, 64 lakh saplings will be planted across the State, Forest Minister K.T. Pachamal told the Assembly on Tuesday.

The Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board is to be strengthened to address the challenges posed by increased industrialisation in the State.

Tamil Nadu is losing nearly 1,000-1,500 MW of wind power on a daily basis as the power is not being evacuated by the Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation, which could sell this unutil

The Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change, a panel of international experts assessing the current scientific knowledge on climate, has asserted that warming of the earth's climate system is ‘unequivocal', Fr. Ignacimuthu, Director, Entomology Research Institute, Loyola College, Chennai, said here recently.

Under the Comprehensive Road Infrastructure Development Programme
The State government will undertake widening and improvement of roads at a cost of Rs 1,900 crore under the Comprehensive Road Infrastructure Development Programme (CRIDP) in the current year, Highways Minister Edapadi K. Palaniswami told the Assembly on Monday.

Everyday kitchen and garden waste can be recycled judiciously with a little effort. It can also pay rich dividends, some experiments in the city show.
The Chennai Corporation has offered assistance to large apartment complexes by offering to collect non-biodegradable waste and excess manure.
In poorer neighbourhoods, the civic body distributed coloured bins but residents do not segregate waste as there is no compulsion to do so, they say.

In an attempt to enhance green cover in the district, the Tiruchi Police have decided to plant 1,000 saplings on lands belonging to the department. The saplings would be planted in police stations, police quarters, Armed Reserve grounds and other police offices with a view to turning them as green premises.

Stringent checks on producers suggested
The decision of many retail stores to start charging between Re. 1 and Rs. 7 from customers for every plastic carrybag is among the recent initiatives in the city to dissuade shoppers from using more of it. However, it has not gone well with most shoppers.
