Over thirty years of continuous research later, scientists report the outcome of a hybrid wheat, which is billed to substitute the available species of grain

The crisis of pollination assumes greater significance in the face of declining numbers of species which act as useful pollinators

An unusual orange-coloured cucumber has been developed by scientists at the us department of agriculture. The cucumber, alongwith its inherent properties, also contains the nutritional qualities

Apart from its cosmetic and medicinal properties, henna (Lawsonia inermis the natural dye -is ideal as a commercial crop for drylands cultivation, say researchers at the Central Research Institute

With the creation of a new variety of rice plant which is resistant to bacterial leaf blight, genetic engineering has once again made one of its most effective imprints in agriculture. The transformed species could put an end to the devastation

It was the bane of the rubber tree, as the fungus Phytophthora literally ate into its every part. With the discovery of antifungal wood extracts, however, the fungus can be stopped dead in its tracks. The extract also meets today's criterion of eco

A new and healthier version of rice promises to produce and provide more for Asia's teeming millions

Fennel now plays a new role as a pest controller

The cultivation of the grass is now less cumbersome

Australian researchers have devised a novel method to deal with caterpillars that create havoc in their cotton fields. They have developed a variety of cotton that kills the caterpillars (New
