Enable Block: 

Efforts to reduce air pollution in Kanpur are in danger of being wasted, as pollution levels are once again creeping up in the city: says a latest analysis of recent air quality data done by Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), a New Delhi-based research and advocacy organisation.

CSE organised a roundtable discussion on 'Transport and climate: building an agenda for action' along with the Global Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport in New Delhi on November 18, 2009. This brought together experts, policy makers, and civil society groups to discuss the climate imperatives of the transportation sector.

The latest CSE analysis finds that Delhi is witnessing an unprecedented ozone build-up. Ozone levels have exceeded the standards proposed by MoEF almost everyday in April. It recommends notification of the proposed air quality standards without any further delay to implement control strategies for ozone-forming gases.

Critically polluted cities in India need a massive transition to public transport, running on clean fuel, so that they can deal with the challenge of pollution and congestion.

Several cities in India including Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, have begun to take steps to implement fiscal measures to address the problem of air pollution and congestion. The key focus of the fiscal measures are clean fuels and technologies including CNG, LPG and zero emissions technologies;

Even without looking at the air pollution figures we know from the darkened sky-line that Delhi's air quality gains will be lost this winter. Air has begun to get heavy with dust, smoke and particles. Calm and cool weather is blocking the dispersal of smoke and pollutants. Low-hanging shroud impairs visibility, chokes lungs.

The Environment Pollution (Prevention and Control) Authority (EPCA) has informed the Hon

Several cities in India including Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, have begun to take steps to implement fiscal measures to address the problem of air pollution and congestion. Though still very nascent, this is a unique and a very important step forward to use market based instrument to influence consumer behaviour and stimulate investments in pollution control efforts and clean technologies. Fiscal measures can help to cushion the cost of transformation, -- improve fuels and technologies and influence people to choose more sustainable travel options like public transport.

Here is what it takes to make an absurd number game -- cunning rules, crafty calculations and clueless regulators.

The recently-released annual global energy trend tracker, World Energy Outlook (WEO), 2007 of the International Energy Agency, has sounded the alert on India crossing the tipping point of per capita GDP of $3000. This threshold, once crossed, says WEO, vehicle ownership rates begin to escalate rapidly.
