Participants of a multi-topic international symposium have overwhelmingly demanded reversal of the Karachi Electric Supply Company (KESC) privatisation, observing that the private management has failed to enhance the utility

New reaction chemistry may reduce the energy input and carbon dioxide emissions from processes that convert coal into liquid fuels.

The existing Jatropha curcas in the country exhibit varying degrees of success in terms of seed oil yield and susceptiblity to pest and diseases. Hence, an intensive hybridization programme has been attempted between Jatropha curcas and other Jatropha species to develop new hybrids with higher yield potential and resistance to diseases. Among the interspecific crosses, the cross between J.

P.V.V. Murthi

Property changes associated with differences in chemical structure between vegetable oil and petroleum based diesel fuel may ask for change in the engine operating parameters such as injection timing, injection pressure etc. These operating parameter changes can cause difference in performance and exhaust emissions than the optimized settings chosen by the engine manufacturer.

Recently the fuel ethanol production from crops has attracted much attention not only in the US, EU and Brazil, but also in Japan because the bio-ethanol is perceived as being "carbon neutral" and useful as a countermeasure against global warming.

A recent editorial in Science issued a call for a mission-oriented project, similar to the Manhattan project, for processing lignocellulose (plant biomass)

This report evaluates the consequences to the U.S. transportation fuel sector of increasing the volume of ethanol in the U.S. gasoline pool above current volumes - now approaching 10 percent of the fuel supply. Additional volumetric increases in ethanol use are mandated by federal law. As federal mandates take the U.S.

One of the outreach projects implemented by DAPP Child Aid in the Chibombo District in Zambia is the GVEP International - Gaia Movement

In the last week of August, eight cars rolled triumphantly into Athens, having driven across Europe from London in a cloud of dust and cooking smells. The 3,000-km car rally ran on oil, recycled from used cooking oil collected from restaurants, service stations, hospitals, even
