After the richer locals leased land/water from the poor cooperatives in the 1970s in Kolleru in Andhra Pradesh, the land has remained in the name of poor "beneficiaries", while the real fisherfolk work on meagre wages.

Environmental Education

AP s fight against Monsanto

The Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research is enthused by the discovery of uranium at Wakhyn in Meghalaya and the permission to prospect in the Rajiv Gandhi Tiger Sanctuary.

Polavaram dam is an extravagant waste of public money that will provide little benefit to few people. It will set the state of Andhra Pradesh back for decades and may prevent Andhra Pradesh sharing in the economic prosperity experienced by the rest of India. This booklet argues that the Polavaram dam project should not go ahead because it will not deliver the benefits claimed for its, because it represents an extraordinary waste of public money, and it will have disastrous consequences for the people it displaces.

Polavaram dam is an extravagant waste of public money that will provide little benefit to few people. It will set the state of Andhra Pradesh back for decades and may prevent Andhra Pradesh sharing in the economic prosperity experienced by the rest of India. This booklet argues that the Polavaram dam project should not go ahead because it will not deliver the benefits claimed for its, because it represents an extraordinary waste of public money, and it will have disastrous consequences for the people it displaces.

Rehabilitation package for Polavaram modified

A large scale timber-smuggling racket operating from Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu has come to light with the seizure of 180 tonnes of red sander wood by the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (dri)

Good weather, illegal Bt seeds raise Punjab s sagging cotton yields

Same old story. Dam threatens to displace tribals to appease rich farmers
