MUMBAI: A study carried out in India has shown that the ban on veterinary drug diclofenac, blamed for the diminishing vulture populationin south Asia , seems to be effective, with the proportion of cattle carcasses contaminated with diclofenac declining by over 40% between 2006 and 2008.

Here's some good new for bird lovers.

School children in the US were served 200,000 kilos of meat contaminated with a deadly antibiotic-resistant bacteria before the nation's second largest meat packer issued a recall in 2009.

It will take at least 10 years to eradicate the H5N1 bird flu virus, which has killed scores of humans, from poultry in the six countries where it is endemic, a UN agency said on April 21.

Eliminating the highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus from poultry in the six countries where it remains endemic will take ten or more years, according to a FAO report.

Animal Husbandry Minister Ajay Vishnoi has said that along with progress in the animal husbandry sector, several diseases have also come to the fore like bird flu. There is a need to train Animal Husbandry Department

Surveillance throughout Tripura has been intensified to monitor further spread of bird flu infection after laboratory tests confirmed H5 strains in the poultry samples collected from state poultry farm, Gandhigram, official sources today said.

Tests conducted at ERDDL, Kolkata and High Security Animal Disease Laboratory (HSADL), Bhopal have confirmed that the samples from the State poultry farm

AGARTALA, March 6: Fresh cases of avian influenza or bird flu have been detected in another Tripura poultry farm, and culling of birds is expected to start on Monday, an official said here on Sunday.


Sipahijala sanctuary
Agartala, March 3: Close on the heels of an avian flu outbreak in the state, an unidentified disease has claimed the lives of 10 birds of varied species and three animals in the Sipahijala sanctuary in the past three days.

Authorities of the santuary, 30km south of this town, have initiated precautionary measures and closed the zoo and bird sanctuary to public.

The bird flu scare has again come back to hit the sale of chicken and eggs in East Godavari district.
