Under construction coke plant burnt

NHPC EERS: An Assam-based NGO, River Basin's Friends, has filed a petition in the Supreme Court against the National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC). The petition claims that while

Can bamboo become the basis of a thriving industry? Can the northeast cash in the most?

danger spilling out: Mexico's oil monopoly Pemex recently confirmed the fifth fuel spill in the past four months, even as authorities quoted a requirement of US $9 billion to repair the country's

Government wakes up to the need for disaster management

A survey of a World Bank funded environment programme in Assam

Northeast India occupies 8 per cent of the country s geographic area, and supports 3.8 per cent of India s total population 2001 census figures . The average population density of the Northeast is 149 persons per square kilometre sq km , a figure far be

PILE OF PERIL: Toxic waste from piles of unused pesticides in Africa is threatening people's health and the environment. Despite several clean-up measures by the Rome-based Food and Agriculture

...in utter neglect - the state of state pollution control boards

A NORTHEAST TAPESTRY: SIX DOCUMENTARIES ON THE NORTHEAST BY INDEPENDENT FILMMAKERS. Produced by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). India International Centre, New
